Who left water around the sink!

Posted by on June 26, 2013 in BOLDT.’s Hearts | Comments Off on Who left water around the sink!

Who left water around the sink!

Some mother’s hate when U get water all over the counter surrounding the sink.  Apparently someone got water on my sink top and it dried up in the shape of a heart.  So thank U for the gift!

On a side note, I was taught in charm school to use the hand towel to wipe off the counter after washing your hands and/or face.  However, I know we all didn’t go to charm school. Despite the fact some of us that did – may not have graduated, or were asked to withdraw.

Though the photo did happen as stated, and I am very surprised that I actually spotted it.  The rest of the post was to poke fun at someone in particular.  U know who U are! 🙂