More HeART work!

These two pieces of heART work are hanging on our living room wall next to the masks from yesterday’s post.
The framed painting was made by Savannah in 1998 (she was 4) as a Valentine’s present for me. Take a look at today’s “Your hearts” posting to see Savannah in action making this heART piece.
I remember how excited Savannah was when she gave it to me all wrapped up. She couldn’t wait for me to open it up. I recall she said, “I painted two hearts; one is U, and the other is me”. A perfect pair! I was and am soooo proud of her!!
I truly treasure and love this painting so much!!
If U look closely, U can see in the bottom left corner of the frame, there is a little piece of metal. Savannah found that on the street that Valentine’s day when we were walking to the park. She said, “Dad look, it’s shaped like a cow”. I placed it on the outside corner of the frame for safe keeping and to treasure as well.
The heart below: I had made at our home in 2004, the weekend before Valentine’s day when Savannah and Brett were working on Valentine’s project’s for their Mom.
To make these Valentine’s more special, they decided we should all choose different mediums/materials to work with. I was feeling creative so I chose aluminum foil. I used the foil to cover a piece of foam core and started making a design by pressing down into the foil. Afterwords, I then painted the foil with stained glass paint – which is transparent color.
Savannah, Brett and I were quite surprised at the result.
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