Father’s Day 2011

I received this beautiful custom handmade heart shaped Father’s Day card in 2011, from my gorgeous talented daughter, Savannah Hope.
Side note: Savannah’s birthday is on December 24th and to avoid anybody that might say to her growing up; “that must suck having your birthday on Christmas Eve, I bet U miss out on special birthday presents with Christmas the next day”.
So, to counteract this and assure Savannah will always feel her birthday is special, I had told her when she was 3 “starting next year when U turn 4, U can choose anywhere in the world U want to go on a trip, and we will go there – just U and I – this will be your special birthday present from me.
Now back to this beautiful card.
Inside, on the right side of the heart shaped flap and underneath the crown, she put a little photo of us riding together on a bike. We were on a wet sandy beach in San Diego – the trip she choose for her 5th Bday.
Underneath the photo of us she wrote, “daddy’s girl forever”.
In the middle of the card she titled it , “Happy Father’s Day Papa”. Then she wrote, “You truly inspire me, watching you believe in yourself makes me believe I can do the same and that anything is possible. Thank you for being there for me during every step in my life, its so nice having someone that can relate and always be willing to listen. I love you so much for everything you are & do. ♥Savannah Hope”
Am I not the luckiest Daddy-O in the world… Oh Yeah!!
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