

August 2019 McKinlee painted this rock and made a picture holder out of it.  As U can see, located in front right side of the rock is a heart shaped paint chip (look close, it’s orange and it blends in with the wood surface). What are the chances of a piece of paint chipping off the rock that so happens to be shaped as a heart…  a katrillion to one, considering it happened at our house....

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Not crummy

Not crummy

August 2019 As mentioned in yesterday’s post, Lisa and I were outside enjoying the warm day.  As I came back from getting Lisa a refill on her beverage of choice – I spotted this heart shaped crumb on the table where I just set her drink down. Tiny hearts are everywhere!!! ...

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August 2019 Lisa and I were out on the deck enjoying the warm day, when I noticed Lisa’s drink was empty – time for refill. As I picked up the glass, I spotted this small heart shaped spec on the outside of her glass.  Looked green, like a super tiny leaf, however it wasn’t. Who cares a hearts a heart!...

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Little leaf

Little leaf

August 2019 Lisa and I were sitting on the outside deck – beautiful day, it was warm with a slight breeze. Just then, I noticed something being carried in by the wind and settling down on the deck below my feet. To my surprise it was this little heart shaped...

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State Fair

State Fair

August 2019 The whole family went to the fair; Lisa, Savannah, Brett, McKinlee and I.  We all had such a fantastic time! At one point McKinlee got all excited and was calling for me to take  picture of the ground, when I looked down I noticed the dirt spot was shaped as a heart. Thank goodness I’m not breaking any child labor laws by having McKinlee out searching hearts for the...

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August 2019 McKinlee was watching a show on Netflix when she started calling out my name, “Mark come see what I found on TV, bring your phone, U will want to take a picture!” With the TV on pause, she asked if could see what she found.  I do see the heart sideways on the plant in the underwater scene. Good eye...

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