Cady’s Snow Hearts

Posted by on July 16, 2013 in BOLDT.’s Hearts | Comments Off on Cady’s Snow Hearts

Cady’s Snow Hearts

This was taken about 5 years ago.  It was winter time and I was at the park with Buckles and noticed how the snow was really hard on the top but soft powdery underneath.  So with my hands, I decided to cut out hearts in the snow and then smooth them out on their sides – a little surprise gift for Cady Babé.

If U look closely U can see her through the window on the right side of the picture. I recall asking Cady to stand in the window and in picture – the reason for this was, at some point when we were to make a book of all our hearts, we use this photo of the snow hearts I had made for her and she should be in the photo as well. It was her idea to have her arms out in the photo – SO MUCH LOVE!!

There is no book yet, but for now the website will do.

At the time, it was fun watching them melt away over the weeks that passed – meanwhile keeping their heart shapes as they melted.

I suppose it’s true of what the power of the hearts can do!