Sweet Sister

Sweet Sister

Easter 2022 If your paying attention, U might have noticed the pic posts went from Oct 2020 to Easter 2022. If U are not paying attention – U should – feel free to send payments via Venmo. The reason for the candy pic… it was taken at my Mom’s house –  where me and my brothers and sisters get together for poker every Sunday.  Including, my sweet sister Kathy who is my July babé. Kathy is celebrating her birthday...

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Grandma Billie

Grandma Billie

November 2020, Anyone close to Savannah knows, come birthday time – U can expect to receive a custom drawn creation from her.  On the outside is an original creation that reflects something about the person the card was made for.  In the inside, a hand written personal sentimental message. This particular card was made for Grandma Billie for her 98th birthday.  However, when Savannah was about to send it – she had received a call...

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New sidewalk

New sidewalk

September 2020, The city started replacing all the damaged sidewalk blocks, as they were redoing our street. I was hoping they would replace all the sidewalk blocks in front of our house so we didn’t end up with new blocks and old ones – in my opinion it makes your yard look sort of tacky. We did get lucky, not only did they replace every sidewalk block in front of our home – I came across a  heart shaped hole within the new...

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Beetle Mania

Beetle Mania

September 2020, Was in the back yard pulling a few new weeds that appeared from no where.  How is it, even without water, weeds can appear and grow within a day?  Although, grass requires water or it dies. Anyways, I spotted this lady bug/Japanese beetle enjoying its lunch break on one of the flower’s leaves.  I was about to flick it off the leaf, when I spotted this perfect large heart on its back. Better yet, seconds later it flew away...

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Olive U

Olive U

September 2020, I believe most people know, that when U tell someone “love U” without saying it, just moving your lips.  Its difficult to decipher the message.  However, if U mouth the words, “Olive U” they believe U were saying “Love U”. I had learned of this from the movie “The Other Sister” starring Juliette lewis, Diane Keaton, Giovanni Ribisi, Tom Skerritt  and many more. Now, back to the...

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