Foam core

Foam core

July 2021, Still enjoying Bryan’s gorgeous resort, when I spotted another heart shape in the middle of some foam that was in between the door jam.  We eventually covered up this foam with a piece of trim the next...

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Wisconsin Wood

Wisconsin Wood

July 2021, Went to visit Bryan at his new beautiful resort (large cabin) in Wisconsin – when I spotted the top log on his pile of wood – it is shaped as a heart!...

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Garbage bag

Garbage bag

June 2021, I went to throw something away in the garbage, when I noticed this black upside down heart stuck to the bag.  McKinlee walked up behind me, and at first she started to ask me what I was doing, and then she said, did U spot a heart?  Smart...

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Holy Hearts

Holy Hearts

May 2021, Another walk with Leo, when I spotted this perfect heart hole in a leaf along the path by the lake.  After I said “oh, a heart!” – Leo stopped and wait for me to take the pic.  What a good...

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Heart tops

Heart tops

June 2021, Leo and I were out walking around Grass Lake when I spotted a heart shaped leaf – sitting high above the rest of the leafs on this bush.  What’s funny is, originally I was looking at the bush as I walked past it, after I walked by I thought, did I just see a heart? I went back and yep there was a...

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