Orange peels

Orange peels

Spring 2015, Camille and I went to Northfield, MN to see Clover at the dog training camp we had sent her off to. After we visited Clover, we went over to Camille’s old college stomping grounds St Olaf. We visited the campus including the art exhibits they had on display. This particular one was made of several orange peels pinned to a white wall.  I’m not 100% sure why Orange peels, maybe the fact when they dry out they change size,...

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Spring 2015, I had placed a paper towel in the fridge, underneath the half of a watermelon I had cut. The other half I took to eat during Brett’s soccer game. Side note: A half of a watermelon – a fantastic snack and a means to keep hydrated at a soccer game.  All U need is a spoon.  YUMMY!!! As U can see, when I lifted the half of watermelon up I found a stain shaped as a heart on the paper towel.  Everyone loves watermelon, even...

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Heart hair

Heart hair

Spring 2015, I had turned on the TV and found Archer – an animated series on FX.  As I was watching, I noticed the Lana character had hearts designed into her hair. Does having hearts designed within the character – on a sub-conscious level – provoke viewers to love them without really knowing...

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2 Holes in one

2 Holes in one

It was April 20, 2015 (my late father’s Bday) and I was over at Camille’s visiting.  As I mentioned in yesterday’s post – Camille asked me to throw the garbage bag away. After picking it up, I noticed there were two holes shaped like a heart on the side of the bag. I said, “2 holes in...

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Deck Step

Deck Step

Spring 2015, I was at Camile’s house helping her clean up her kitchen.  After taking the garbage out, I noticed on her deck there was a heart shaped stain....

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